Regulations & Procedures | Doctorate Program in Industrial Innovation

Regulations & Procedures

application/pdfGuide on Student Services 2024-25(PDF | 2 MB)
application/pdfCode of Ethics (IT)(PDF | 386 KB)
application/pdfCode of Ethics (EN)(PDF | 239 KB)
application/pdfREGISTRATION FORM A_direct payment(PDF | 326 KB)
application/pdfREGISTRATION_FORM-B_reimbursemen(PDF | 324 KB)

General regulations

application/pdfUniversity Regulations for Doctoral Programmes

Enrolment 1, 2, 3 years

Each year, doctoral students have to submit their enrolment by the online procedure.

The details on the regulations and procedures are available at:

Program suspension

Doctoral students have the right to suspend their studies in case of:

  • maternity
  • serious and certified illness
  • internship programmes for the training of teachers (Italian TFA)

Absence due to severe and documented personal rand/or family reasons (other than the ones listed above) must be explicitly authorized by the Doctoral Committee.

The details on the regulations and the form of request for suspension are available at:

The request of suspension must be filled out and sent together with any requested documentation to the Doctorate Program in Industrial innovation secretariat industrial-innovation [at]

Research period in the partner company (only for scholarship holders)

Each PhD student with a scholarship is required to carry out a research period of at least 6 months in the partner company by the end of the third year of the program. Toward the end of the program, the secretariat will ask the partner companies to provide a certificate stating that the research period has been completed

The 6-month period can be spent either in one run or in shorter periods distributed along the program timeline.

For insurance reasons, the PhD Students have to be authorized by the University to go to the partner company's offices. Depending on his/her situation the student can choose how to proceed:

  • if the period in the company is spent in one run, as soon as the dates are known, the student has to send an email to industrial-innovation [at] with academic advisor/industrial tutor in cc to request the authorization by specifying the period (e.g. 01.01.2022- 30.06.2022). The request will have to be approved by the Executive Committee.
  • if the period in the company is fractioned, each time a student intends to spend time in the company (a few days/weeks), the travel authorization has to be obtained:

1) Before doing the online application please send an email to the Doctorate Program in Industrial innovation secretariat (industrial-innovation [at] keeping your academic advisor/industrial tutor in cc, with the detail of your mission:

  • where you go;
  • for what reason;
  • from which day to which day;
  • which fund you are going to use (either Personal or other funds);

2) In order to finalize the authorization request, which must be done before the departure, you should:

  1. Login at MyUnitn (top right of every UniTRENTO website);
  2. Access to "Gestione trasferte" (Missions manager);
  3. Click on "Create a new Travel Authorization Request form", steps:

Based on the specific situation and agreements with the academic advisor, PhD Students can either ask for the travel expenses reimbursement (see the section below) or not. in the latter case, flag I don’t ask any reimbursement for this travel at the end of this session.

FOR THE USE OF YOUR RESEARCH BUDGET choose in "search a project"  Principal Investigator: Sglavo, Vincenzo Maria; in the funds list choose "Dotazione dott. attivita` di ricerca S35 - 40400366" or type them in the fields (SAP code: 40400366; Description: Dotazione dott. attivita` di ricerca S35)

  • Applicant data: the data will be generated by the system, please check the "Choose the correct area" field displays the Department's name: Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione and the "in quality of" field displays your doctoral student status: Dottorando;
  • Travel data: after having filled in the information on the travel, 
Reimbursement of travel expenses

The research budget can be used to cover your travel expenses related to the research period in the company or participating in conferences, workshops and other research activities.


1. Before doing the online application please send an email to the Doctorate Program in Industrial innovation secretariat (industrial-innovation [at] keeping your academic advisor/industrial tutor in cc, with the detail of your mission:

  • where you go;
  • for what reason;
  • from which day to which day;
  • which fund you are going to use (either Personal or other funds).

2. In order to finalize the authorization request, which must be done before the departure, you should:

  1. Login at My UniTN (top right of every UniTRENTO website);
  2. Access to "Gestione trasferte" (Missions manager);
  3. Click on "Create a new Travel Authorization Request form", steps:
  • Applicant data: the data will be generated by the system, please check the "Choose the correct area" field displays the Department's name: Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione and the "in quality of" field displays your doctoral student status: Dottorando;

    Please note that even if you are not going to ask for reimbursement, you must have your travel authorized for insurance reasons. In this case flag I don’t ask any reimbursement for this travel at the end of this session.

  • Travel data: after having filled in the information on the travel, 

    FOR THE USE OF YOUR RESEARCH BUDGET choose in "search a project"  Principal Investigator: Sglavo, Vincenzo Maria; in the funds list choose "Dotazione dott. attivita` di ricerca S35 - 40400366" or type them in the fields (SAP code: 40400366; Description: Dotazione dott. attivita` di ricerca S35)

    Please note you can use your Personal Funds up to the end (31st October) of the third academic year.

    FOR THE USE OF OTHER FUNDS - Principal Investigator: Surname, Name of the fund's manager > FUND 

  • in Attachments upload a brochure/convocation e-mail/agenda/poster/screenshot of the event main webpage. This is very important, otherwise the Mission Office will reject your request;

  • Reasons;
  • Advance payment - fill in this part if you want to request an advance on the travel expenses you had done before leaving.

We would like to remind you that if you decide to leave and/or come back on a day different to the one written on the "Travel Authorization Request form", you must submit to the Accounting Office not only all the documents (receipts and bus/train/airplane tickets/boarding passes), but also a document showing the travel costs for the day written in the "Travel Authorization Request form"; the less expensive one will be reimbursed.

IMPORTANT: even if you are not going to not ask for reimbursement, please note that you must have your travel authorized for insurance reasons. In this case just flag I don’t ask any reimbursement for this travel at the end of the authorization's first part Applicant data


You should:

1. login at MyUniTN;
2. access "Gestione trasferte" (Missions manager);
3. find your travel and click on the "L" symbol (it's important you don't click on the A in the yellow box or in the A in the red one, the former will archive your mission, the later will delete it);
4. in the "Travel Expenses Reimbursement Request form" steps:

  • Applicant data (the data will be generated by the system);
  • Travel data, insert the missing information (return time);
  • in Further data - Other notes: write every information that would be helpful for the reimbursement, such as: if you changed the day of your leaving/return if the enrollment was paid with the Department Credit Card, if the tickets/hotels have been booked with a travel agency and paid directly by the University;

5. Expenses incurred: insert one by one every expense you had, you'll have to submit to the Mission Office the original tickets/receipts in order to get reimbursed;
6. Send "Travel Expenses Reimbursement Request form".
7. Print the Expenses Incurred page and take the Original Receipts/Tickets/Boarding Passes to the Mission Office (Via Alla Cascata, 56 - 38123 Trento)

NB: the use of a taxi is allowed up to € 30, in the trip from/to the airport/station and inside the mission municipality.

For any further questions, please refer to the Mission Office: missioni.collina [at] (Via Alla Cascata, 56 - 38123 Trento)

Additional information:

  • All bookings, purchases, registration for conferences and formalities relative to the mission are to be carried out by the PhD sStudent
  • All bookings and purchases should be regulated according to the criteria of reasonable economical management (expenses relative to taxis, phone calls, Internet connections, personal use of car and anything not expressed in the University Regulations concerning missions will not be reimbursed). In choosing the means of transportation you have to use the cheapest option, the same for lodging (student houses).
  • No reimbursement can be requested for a trip for personal reasons.
Conferences, Summer, Winter school

PhD students can use their research budget to pay the fee for conferences or schools registration.

It is necessary that the travel to the event is authorized first (see section "Reimbursement of travel expenses" above).

The payment mode for registration fees is determined by whether the event organizer resides in Italy or not.

  • If the Conference/Summer/Winter School is organized by an Italian organization the payment must be made by bank transfer done by the University. It is important that the Student doesn't pay for his/her otherwise he/she will not be reimbursed. To proceed with the payment request, the PhD Student has to fill in and sign the FORM A - DIRECT PAYMENT (available in box Download) and send it to the Doctorate Program in Industrial innovation secretariat (industrial-innovation [at] for the Coordinator's signature.
  • If the Conference/Summer/Winter School is organized by a non-Italian organization, the University can pay the fee by bank transfer (see above) or the PhD Student can pay and then ask for the reimbursement. In the latter case, the PhD Student has to fill in and sign the FORM B - REIMBURSEMENT (available in box Download) and send it to the Doctorate Program in Industrial innovation secretariat (industrial-innovation [at] for the Coordinator's signature.

The document (foreign invoice, receipt, debit note), to be requested from the supplier, must be made out to:

PhD Student Name
Università degli Studi di Trento
Via Calepina n. 14 - 38122 TRENTO
Tax code and VAT no. IT00340520220

In case of direct payment by the University, the request has to be done in advance (at least 1 month before the deadline).