Call for industry collaboration | Doctorate Program in Industrial Innovation

Call for industry collaboration

application/pdfDPII for companies 2022(PDF | 915 KB)

Let's solve your research problems together

The joint Doctorate in Industrial Innovation of the University of Trento and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) is built upon a strong collaboration with partner companies. The role of a partner company is central to each PhD project.

The company:

  • defines the research project accordingly to its own innovation needs;
  • selects a collaboration modality and the associated funding schema for the PhD scholarship, among PhD Executive schema, Highly-Skilled Apprenticeship Scholarship, Collaboration Scholarship (see below);
  • participates in the selection of the applicants;
  • assigns an internal advisor, who, together with the academic advisor, supervises and assesses the research activity of the student.

Research project

As a first step, the company should propose a research problem that lies in one of the research areas of the Doctorate Program. The Doctorate Program, together with the company, identifies inside the University or FBK an Academic Advisor for the PhD position and designates an Industrial Tutor inside the company. The Industrial Tutor discusses the project proposal with the Academic Advisor and defines the abstract to be published within the call for applications.


The company can choose among three collaboration modalities and the associated funding schema of the PhD activity:

  • PhD Executive schema: the PhD position is reserved to the employees of the company. No scholarship is due to the PhD students since they maintain their employment contract within the company.
  • Collaboration Scholarship: the internship is reduced to a maximum of 18 months. The student spends a longer period at the University or FBK labs. The company provides a PhD scholarship.

Student’s selection and supervision

After the call for application will be closed, the company will be consulted on the selection of the applicant.
The Industrial Tutor and the Academic Advisor will supervise and assess the research activity of the student.

Call for interest

If you are interested in satisfying your innovation needs through research and precompetitive development, contact us now (industrial-innovation [at] for further information.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay