The bodies in charge of planning, managing and monitoring the PhD Program are:
- the Doctoral School Committee
- the Executive Committee
- the Industrial Board
The Doctoral School Committee is currently made up of members of the Departments of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI), Industrial Engineering (DII), Economics and Management (DEM), Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (DICAM) and Physics (DIF) and the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK). The main decisions concerning the management and coordination of the Program are submitted to the Doctoral School Committee, which decides about issues related to the training projects, the Manifesto of Studies (Course Plan), the curricula of the relevant courses, the PhD students' advancement to the following years and their admission to the Final Examination. The Committee appoints the Course Coordinator and the Executive Committee, to which specific activities are delegated.
The Industrial Board is composed of representatives of the companies that join the PhD Program. This Board is asked for opinions on the scientific, cultural and educational activities planned for PhD Program. Representatives can propose educational initiatives including industrial seminars.